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thank you for engaging with and spreading the ascension guidance and information 

provided on this website - it is very much appreciated - there are a few guidelines below 



Articles, creative writing, videos and audio creations posted on this site are the original work and copyright of Jamie Shaw


You may share the articles and videos in unedited format with a credit either to Jamie Shaw or Permanent Pilgrim

and a clear and active link to the original posting on this website.


Edited articles are not allowed without the written consent of Jamie Shaw.


Sharing or copying of any online class content is prohibited.


Some content contains the written work of others that has been adapted and edited by Jamie Shaw.

This content is subject to the sharing guidance and copyright of both the original author and Jamie Shaw.


Copying articles or class content without credit, links to this site, or permission from Jamie is not allowed.


If you wish to share the ideas, terms, creative writing, poetry, material, methods, quotes, class content, webinar content or this website in your own words, please use your own integrity and note Jamie as the source.


Many light workers and individuals at differing stages of awakening are driven to share content.

That's ok.



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