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Jamie Shaw

The UNIFICATION of Masculine and Feminine Principles within ONE BEING



The Unification of Masculine and Feminine Principles within ONE BEING

a key element in the ascension

and descension process

a form of unity consciousness

This piece is an adaptation of an article written by Paul Dobree-Carey, otherwise known as POLARIS AB. It is kept relatively intact so as to preserve its exact communication. In my forthcoming book one of the characters is based on Paul and his work. This provides me with a mechanism to introduce what might be referred to as the Word of Source on the ascension process. I rate Paul's work extremely highly and enjoy being in contact with him. Highly recommended. You can find POLARIS AB here: and here:

You have something within you that is a priceless treasure of the universe, something which is beyond compare. This is the diamond core god spark that lies in the very centre of your heart. This is your soul, your own eternal essence, your blueprint.

Your soul knows how to look after you, it knows all that you are in its entirety. It is often asking you why you seek to separate your self from your soul through the creation of an ego mind that defines you in such limited capacity?

Your soul loves all that you are. It is teaching you that you will learn how to love others once you fully open to loving your self - the sacred truth of who you are - masculine and feminine principles unified in one being: your self and your soul joined as one as a self-realized divine sovereign being.

To reach unity consciousness does not require you to join with others seeking the exact same way of being as you. You will surely be disappointed if this is what you expect when joining a community or group. Who else really knows what it is that you want, and how you wish the world to become for you yourself - when they want the same for their way of being. Your journey is yours to solely create when connecting with others, just as it is theirs to create whilst they connect with all that you are.

Every single individual is a division of duality into one of two genders. Your gender may be male, it may be female, but you are already aware that you are far more than simply your physical body, your form. You are all ways one. You have both a feminine self and you have a masculine self. Indeed, this is one of the first characteristics that you notice in others - how much do they carry of each in their display of behaviours and their emotional demonstrations. So to claim exclusivity to just either of these is to deny a huge part of who you truly are.

The higher self recognizes that you are both, and recognizes that you have played both roles since you chose to incarnate on this planet, and move towards graduating from the Earth training program. It is the ego self that seeks to shape your reactions and responses to a world filled with others doing the same, by defining you based on your gender. The higher self sees beyond this, constantly providing you with vibrational matches to assist you to energize, recognize and realize all that you are into this world. Indeed, the shadow or hidden self holds all that you have yet to harmonize within your heart centre, as potential.

The masculine self seeks to protect itself, building walls and barriers in order to create a suit of energetic armour to allow it to face a harsh world of insults, attacks, confrontations, and conflicts. This defensive survival barrier attempts to absorb the blows from others but blocks the flow to and from the heart, eventually closing it entirely.

The feminine self seeks openness and trust in order to become receptive to the emotional flow of energy in motion as feelings. Feelings that determine how the physical and emotional self responds to the needs of others: nurturing, loving, compassionate, and empathetic. The feminine self then seeks those feelings in others, but in doing so, becomes hurt and wounded in the process.

The world is fully aware of the conflict that exists between the two - the battle that takes place within every ONE as they seek to harmonize the opposites within. It is not gender that determines the battle - but the balance sought by the nature of what is present in every ONE.

Opening the heart centre to allow love to fully flow requires the removal of all resistance. This is the only way to reach unity consciousness. However, to become deeply loving is to expose the heart to vulnerability. Learning to fully trust your SELF is to connect with the deepest parts of all that you are, is to shine light on the SOUL within. But there is much fear of what you will find, and of what will happen to you along the journey to your heart centre. What you learn about YOU helps you to understand the nature of what others are also going through.

Trust becomes the measurement of your success. Trust that you will make mistakes, become hurt, disappointed, upset, angry - all the emotional reactions you are here to discover about how you feel about the world around you. Trust is accepting that these things happen and that you will be ok, and become stronger and wiser from the experiences that you have co-created with others in order to bring you the lessons of your soul's intention. You are not a defenseless human on some remote and insignificant planet. You have something within you that is a priceless treasure of this universe, something which is beyond compare. This is the diamond core god spark that lies in the very centre of your heart. This is your soul, your own eternal essence, your blueprint.

Your SOUL knows how to look after YOU, it knows all that you are in its entirety. Why do you seek to separate your SELF from your SOUL by creating an EGO MIND that defines you in such limited capacity?

Your SOUL loves all that you are. You will know how to love others once you open up fully to loving your SELF - the sacred truth of who you are - masculine and feminine, unified in ONE being. Your SOUL and SELF joined as ONE, as a self-realized divine sovereign being.

and so it is



- divine masculine divine feminine -

- unity consciousness -

- the journey within -

- what is ascension -

- 5D ascension -

- new divine humanity -


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